Lindsey Skelton-SmithSep 25, 20232 minH;jacked (Author: M.C. Stokes)Eye opening, Challenging, Thought Provoking Genre: Semi-Autobiographical/Young Adult Fiction Hijacked by M.C. Stokes It is both an honour...
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Lindsey Skelton-SmithJul 8, 20233 minThe Lovely Bones (Author: Alice Sebold)Engaging, Erratic, Powerful Genre: Psychological Fiction/Domestic Fiction 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold. As Suzie Salmon (like the...
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Lindsey Skelton-SmithApr 19, 20232 minWhen I Save Us (Author: Ellie Sabine)Genre: Romantic/Fantasy/Humour Voracious Readers Only e-book When I Save Us by Ellie Sabine Betsy had been feeling that her marriage to...