Lindsey Skelton-SmithJan 42 min readSpirits (Author: John Guthrie)Compelling, Though - Provoking, Intriguing Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Religion and Spirituality 'Spirits' by John Guthrie, Author Two...
Lindsey Skelton-SmithOct 3, 20232 min readThe Treasure of Kurukhstan (Author: John Guthrie)Captivating, Charming, Intriguing Genre: Children’s/Young Adult Fiction The Treasure of Kurukhstan By John Guthrie Ellen is an extremely...
Lindsey Skelton-SmithAug 3, 20233 min readThe Messenger (Author: John Guthrie)Engaging, Easy-To-Read, Action Packed Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery The Messenger by John Guthrie Sandy had to get away from his...
Lindsey Skelton-SmithJun 25, 20233 min readThe Slumpton Rats (Author: J.S. Guthrie)Charming, Magical Imaginative Genre: Children's Fiction The Slumpton Rats by John Guthrie, Author Slither, the self proclaimed 'King Of...
Lindsey Skelton-SmithJun 13, 20234 min readBarney & Son (Author: John Guthrie)Thought Provoking, Heartwarming, Gripping Genre: Historical Fiction ‘Barney & Son’ By John Guthrie Barney & Ernie are living hand...
Lindsey Skelton-SmithMay 26, 20233 min readEllie and The Nubb Lane Players (Author: John Guthrie)Genre: Historical Fiction Ellie & The Nubb Lane Players by John Guthrie, Author Ellie Fogg is just nine years of age & lives with her...